Rocky TAR

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

New Roadblock Rules

New roadblock rules are now in place for Season 6. In previous seasons, the teams could pick whoever they wanted to complete the task with no type of restrictions. This led to the same people doing the roadblocks over and over again. Phil made clear the new rule in last night's episode during the salt harvesting roadblock. New race rules says that a person can only take part in 6 roadblocks out of the 12. This is to discourage teams from using the same person and encourage better strategy. I am definitely in support of this change in the rules. It got boring at times seeing the same person do the roadblocks each week and dominating each time. The teams will have to be careful and will have to have a better strategy than before. This could get very intersting near the end of the race. I say we can expect at least one team be faced with a strength roadblock and be forced to use the weaker one of the team and get behind the other teams. Should be interesting!


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