Rocky TAR

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Colin's An Angel

Well, I thought Colin was the devil last season, but I think Jonathan has proved this wrong in TAR6. He makes Colin look like an angel. I have never seen someone so evil. In the episode 5, Jonathan/Victoria were in a neck-to-neck race to be first at the pit stop. Jonathan was so stupid! He layed his backpack down in the middle of downtown Berlin because he "couln't run with it." Victoria yelled at him to come back and get it because, of course, someone would take it. He ignores her and keeps on running towards the finish line without her (another stupid mistake). She has to grab his bag and run with two extremely heavy backpacks. Once he stop for her, she finally catches up to Jonathan. Right in front of Phil, he shoves Victoria and makes her fall on the ground while she is bawling her eyes out. Talk about someone extremely evil! She was using common sense and trying to save Jonathan from losing his stuff. This is what she gets in return. I can't believe these people are still married! Victoria definitely needs to find someone better. This is nothing new in the race, though. Jonathan has been yelling and screaming at Victoria throughout the entire race. He has even came close to slapping her in the face. I can't believe that someone would be so cruel and evil in front of a national TV audience. He must be crazy! I don't understand what is wrong with him. This team has gotten far, though. They are very smart, especially by paying locals to help them around town. I can see their arguments dragging them down and getting them eliminated soon.


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