Rocky TAR

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Gus & Hera, In Jeopardy?

Is this father/daughter team in trouble? I am not really sure how far Gus & Hera can make it. I must first point out that this is one of my favorites among the teams currently racing. Why do you ask? I'm not really sure. Hera has a cool spunk to her, but we don't get to hear her talk much (a boo to the editors on that note). Her dad is really funny. He takes things too slowly, and he seems to be there for the fun of it. (by the way, he was a former CIA agent and was the first person to fly in an open cockpit over the North Pole) He loves to take off his shirt for some reason (nothing really to show off); I really wish he would stop doing that (I'm sure the producers wished the same thing). They were doing really great in the last two legs by gaining third place both times. Now they are near the end for making fatal errors. One problem they have is directions; they can't seem to find their way around. They couldn't find the ice bar in Sweden and had trouble finding Phil at this last pit stop in Senegal. This could really hurt them. They need to be able to have better navigation. They also need to be more wise in choosing their challenges. They have been doing really good at those things, thanks mostly in part to Gus. Last week, they chose the worst possible challenge possible for the roadblock. They got far behind by doing the fishing. They definitely need to avoid making these same mistakes. I strongly believe that they can go far in this race. Hera has such great energy while Gus has great skills with challenges. I really hope they can get their act together and go far. Good luck, Gus & Hera! (even though the end has already been taped)


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